dear father

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Game title screen
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In-game screenshot
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First version of the dialogue editor values. This shows 2 questions with replies.
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Latest version of the dialogue editor values.This shows 2 questions with replies.
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Latest version of the dialogue editor used unreals behaviour trees.


Dear Father is a game build in UE4 and was a 2 week long academic project. my main responsibility was creating a tool for editing dialogue trees


  • Dialiogue tree tool
  • UI implmentation
  • Audio implmentation

Tools Used

Visual studio
Unreal engine 4


Designers: 3
Artists: 3
Programmers: 2

Project length

2 weeks


Dialogue tree tool: Most of my work during this short project went towards creating a tool for the designers to implement their dialogues. The decision to make a tool in such a short-term project came from the fact that this entire game is based on dialogues. The dialogue tree itself is an extension of unreal behavior trees. We made a couple of custom nodes.

  • The first node was a decorator. This decorator holds a question to be displayed and some possible answers. Each answer can be assigned points or an animation.
  • The second custom node was an action namely the wait for answer node. As the name suggests this would pause the tree and wait for the user to select an answer.
  • The final node is another action. This final node would stop the conversation.
When constructing a dialogue tree the designer would use a selector node(provided by unreal) and place the dialogue decorator on it. The next step for the designer would be to fill in the decorator fields. After the decoration was set the designers would create the wait for answer action and create more selector nodes (1 node for each answer). In the decorator the answers are numbered from 0 to N. In the tree the next nodes would be read from left to right thus answer 0 would move to the leftmost node. This process would then be repeated to build the entire dialogue.
